pwio (Module)

This module contains functions and classes for handling input and output for pywhiten.


Some utility functions are contained here:

  • flux2mag(data:numpy.array, ref_flux:float, ref_mag:float) -> numpy.array | Converts an array of flux values data to an array of magnitude values, using a reference flux ref_flux and corresponding magnitude ref_mag.

*flux2mag_e(data:numpy.array, ref_flux:float, ref_mag: float, err: numpy.array) -> numpy.array, numpy.array | Same as flux2mag, however takes an additional argument err which contains uncertainties on data, and returns an additional array with uncertainties in magnitude.

*format_output(n: float, e: float, npts: int) -> string | Taking a nominal measurement n and its error e, converts it to a string expressing the measurement of the form 1.23(1). npts indicates the number of digits of the uncertainty to retain (e.g. npts=2 -> 1.234(12)).

class OutputManager

This class handles saving plots and data for the pre-whitening process.


  • function sf_func | The function used to model single-frequency sinusoidal models
  • function mf_func | The function used to model multi-frequency sinusoidal models. Unused, but kept for now in case SciPy functionality is re-implemented.

  • dict output_dirs | A dictionary mapping strings to strings storing the output folder structure. Inadvisable to modify this.



Constructor. Responsible for cleaning out the output directory if specified in the config as well as making the directory structure. THIS WILL DELETE EVERYTHING IN THE OUTPUT DIRECTORY SPECIFIED IN CFG IF clean_dirs IS SET IN CFG WHEN THIS OBJECT IS INITIALIZED.


  • dict cfg | A configuration dictionary.

save_it(lcs: list, frequency_container: FrequencyContainer, zp: float)

Saves the results from a single iteration. This is intended to be called at each iteration, passing in the complete light curve list and frequency container. Saves light curve and periodogram data, and plots/saves light curves, periodograms, and models. Only operates on the most recent item of each, however requires the full results for e.g. multi-frequency models.


  • list lcs | A list of Lightcurve objects where each subsequent lightcurve in the list is from a subsequent iteration in a pre-whitening analysis
  • FrequencyContainer frequency_container | A FrequencyContainer object which stores the results from the pre-whitening analysis corresponding to the sequence of lightcurves in lcs.
  • float zp | Optional. The constant zero point of the complete variability model.


  • None


Get the amplitude in mmag for a frequency with its amplitude measured in flux, and the appropriately-adjusted phase. The conversion to magnitude flips the shape of the variability component described by the freq object, therefore this multiplies the amplitude in magnitude by -1 and adjusts the phase appropriately.


  • Frequency freq | The frequency which holds the parameters to convert


  • float | The amplitude in mmag
  • float | The amplitude uncertainty in mmag
  • float | The adjusted phase phase
  • float | The converted initial amplitude in mmag


Formats and saves all the frequencies contained in a FrequencyContainer as a csv under the base output directory as "frequencies.csv".


  • FrequencyContainer freqs | A FrequencyContainer object containing Frequency objects to be saved.


  • None


Formats and saves all the frequencies contained in a FrequencyContainer as a formatted LaTeX table under the auxiliary output directory as "frequencies.csv".


  • FrequencyContainer freqs | A FrequencyContainer object containing Frequency objects to be saved.


  • None

save_lc(lightcurve: Lightcurve, path:string)

Saves a lightcurve object at the specified path as a space-delimited 3-column file of format [time, data, err].


  • Lightcurve lightcurve | The lightcurve to save
  • string path | The path to save the file at


  • None

save_pg(periodogram: Periodogram, path:string)

Saves a periodogram object at the specified path as a space-delimited 2-column file of format [lsfreq, lsamp].


  • Periodogram periodogram | The lightcurve to save
  • string path | The path to save the file at


  • None